Wicked Sewists

Helloooo ghouls! 

As some of you know, I mainly sell sewing patterns. My shop drops are few and far between. I so appreciate all of you ghouls that are willing to wait for my ready to ship sales. With that said, I'm introducing you to some Wicked Sewists! These are creators in my group that make products with my sewing patterns. 

This list includes sewists from all over so please verify before placing an order. Some of these shops have READY TO SHIP and/or CUSTOM ORDERS. This list will tell you which products they make from my designs. Thank you for helping me support handmade artists!

Wicked Sewists Directory

DISCLAIMER: Seamingly Wicked LLC is not responsible for sales outside of www.Seaminglywicked.com. This list is not an endorsement of their services. (Even though I love all of their art!) This directory will only be used for people looking to purchase an item made from one of Seamingly Wicked’s patterns. They sell other stuff too! If you would like to be added to the directory, please fill out this form

Styles for Reference:

Coffin Wallet

Memento Mori Wristlet

Rise of the Zombaes

Dirt Nap Express (3 sizes)

Coffin Handbag

Coffin Stocking/Tote Bag